repurposing content

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Getting the Maximum ROI From Repurposing Content

Repurposing content, we turned IBE's report into a vibrant 24-page document, infographic, and program-specific visuals for greater reach.

IBE’s Annual Impact Report is a comprehensive look at their efforts and influence over the past year.

Some people love to pour over big reports like these, others… not so much. Nevertheless, the report is filled with great insights — and given the time it takes to produce each year — we knew it was important to share those stories and insights in a variety of ways. 

Remember: repurposing content isn’t lazy. It’s an effective and efficient strategy (when done right).

Designing the report with “repurposeability” in mind meant IBE received far more marketing collateral beyond the basic branded report they requested — making it all the easier to share and communicate the valuable information with their array of audiences.

After all, we couldn’t just let all that important information live in an outdated PDF that’d never see the light of day! So we went ahead and:

👉 Wrote and designed an engaging, vibrantly designed 24-page branded report

👉 Condensed the report into an easy-to-read (and share) infographic

👉 Broke up the report into program-specific infographics

See the full 2023 report. 

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